Binning, Static Correction, and Interpretation of P-SV Surface-Seismic Data

Armin W. Schafer

In this thesis, some of the problems of using converted-wave (P-SV) surface-seismic data are examined. A general processing flow for converted-wave data is presented and discussed. Converted-wave binning methods are examined by applying them to structurally complex P-SV synthetic-seismic data. P-SV dip moveout (DMO) and depth-variant binning give very good results, while the asymptotic approximation fails for the shallow section and common midpoint (CMP) binning provides a poor result. Converted-wave static correction methods are examined by applyinge them to the radial component of a multicomponent surface-seismic data set from Slave Lake, Alberta. Hand-picking and common receiver point (CRP) stack-power optimization provide good results, while the P-SV refraction static correction methods fails to satisfactorily remove all the static shifts. Converted-wave interpretation is examined by analyzing a two-component surface-seismic data set from Crystal East, Alberta. For these data, lateral variations of Vp/Vs can be used to delineate a Viking sandstone channel.