3D geometry loading in ProMAX, a practical crPERL example

Kevin W. Hall, David C. Henley, Han-xing Lu

Last year, the radial component data from the Manitou Lake 3D-3C dataset were processed with geometry copied from vertical component data (geometry in the trace headers from the original processor), which have 2.3% fewer traces than the radial component data. This was done in an attempt to expedite the process. Although the difference in the total number of traces seems small, poor radial component results were obtained, reflecting a mismatch of trace headers to trace data. To quickly and accurately load geometry information into ProMAX trace headers from observers notes and shot log files, a Perl script was developed for use with the CREWES Perl Process module. After merging survey data and binning, a visual quality control method was used to spot any problems. A comparison of selected results reaffirms that it is crucial to have geometry correct, in order to obtain good final processing results.