The effect of receiver statics on CCP stacks: An example from Spring Coulee, Alberta

J. Helen Isaac, Gary F. Margrave

A common method of estimating receiver statics for PS data is to pick a horizon on stacked receiver gathers and calculate the statics necessary to either flatten the horizon or smooth it. We investigated the effects of different smoothing operator lengths and the effects of using two horizons rather than just one. The differences in coherency and continuity of reflectors on the final CCP stacks of the radial component caused by the use of different smoothing operator lengths were surprising. We chose the final receiver statics to be those that gave the best continuity of reflectors. The method probably works best in areas of no structure, where flattening an event on receiver stacks does not harm true structure. In areas with a small amount of structure, the amount of smoothing of the horizon picked on receiver stacks should be studied carefully before final receiver statics are selected. This method is not appropriate for areas with significant structure.