Development of a geostatic model for a geoscience field research station in Alberta

Jessica M. Dongas, Donald C. Lawton

In taking action to mitigate greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere primarily from fossil fuel sources, carbon capture and storage is a method of sequestration to reduce CO2 emissions. The proposed geoscience field research station will serve as a research development site of advanced technologies for monitoring subsurface fluid flow. A 5 km geostatic property model of effective porosity and permeability was constructed for both the shallow primary and deeper secondary injection interval at approximately 290 m and 480 m depths, respectively. The model incorporates existing wireline data from 75 wells and was populated using a Gaussian Random Function Simulation algorithm. The effective porosities of the primary and secondary injection intervals range from 0-27% and 0-18%, respectively. The primary seal interval consists of silty-sands, shales, and impermeable coal layers. The secondary seal interval consists of calcareous mudstones with bentonite layers and high illite content. The 5 km x 5 km property model was updated using two 3-D seismic reflection volumes and existing sonic log data. A time-depth relationship was configured by completing 8 well-ties. Velocity modeling was completed for depth domain conversion. Both injection intervals appear to be promising injection sites for CO2 and have since been assessed for risk. A clipped 1 km area of the geostatic model will be tested further using Eclipse in PetrelTM 2014.1 for computerized fluid injection simulation to study the behaviour of the CO2 in the subsurface.