1D and 1.5D internal multiple prediction in Matlab

Matthew Eaid, Jian Sun, Scott Keating, Kristopher A. Innanen

An inverse scattering series approach to internal multiple prediction was developed by Weglein et al. in the late 1990’s. Their method exploited the idea that all multiples can be constructed from a combination of primary events and other multiples, in a fully data driven manner (Weglein et al., 1997). Innanen (2015) presented the mathematics behind the inverse scattering series approach in the time domain. Sun and Innanen (2014) show the prediction algorithm in the planewave domain, while Pan and Innanen (2013) explore the prediction in the frequency-wavenumber domain. This paper is meant as a companion to the 2016 CREWES MatLab toolbox release, it will summarize the key ideas behind an inverse scattering series approach to internal multiple prediction in each domain listed above. The implementation of each algorithm will be reviewed and synthetic examples will be provided. Adaptive subtraction is also reviewed with synthetic examples.