author = {Al Mutlaq, M. H. and Margrave, G. F.},
title = {{Surface-consisten matching filters: theory and application}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201101.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 1: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Arthur, J. M. and Lawton, D. C.},
title = {{AVO Analysis of a Single Thinning Bed}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201102.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 2: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Bancroft, J. C.},
title = {{Linear algebra for microseismic sensitivity analysis}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201105.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 5: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Bancroft, J. C.},
title = {{Low wavenumber reflectors}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201103.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 3: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Bancroft, J. C. and Guirigay, T. A.},
title = {{Imaging oblique reflectors}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201104.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 4: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Bird, C. W. and Innanen, K. A.},
title = {{Full waveform inversion of anelastic reflection data: an analytic example}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201107.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 7: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Bird, C. W. and Innanen, K. A.},
title = {{Least squares AVF inversion}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201108.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 8: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Bird, C. W. and Innanen, K. A. and Naghizadeh, M.},
title = {{AVF inversion of anelastic reflectivity: Practical issues concerning implementation}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201109.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 9: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Cheng, P. and Margrave, G. F.},
title = {{Reflectivity modeling for stratified anelastic media}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201110.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 10: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Cho, D. and Coulombe, C. A.},
title = {{On the extractio of angle dependent wavelets from synthetic shear wave sonic logs}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201112.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 12: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Cho, D. and Margrave, G. F.},
title = {{Azimuthal AVO inversion by simulated annealing}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201113.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 13: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Cho, D. and Margrave, G. F. and Norton, M.},
title = {{Understanding hydraulic fracture variability through a penny shaped crack model for pre-rupture faults}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201111.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 11: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Gagliardi, P. G. and Lawton, D. C.},
title = {{Effects of noise and hrizontal transvers isotopy on geophone orientation analysis}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201115.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 15: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Gagliardi, P. G. and Lawton, D. C.},
title = {{Experimental comparison of seismic repeatability metrics}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201114.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 14: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Gagliardi, P. G. and Lawton, D. C.},
title = {{Geophone orientation azimuth consistency case studies}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201116.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 16: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Guevara, S. E. and Margrave, G. F.},
title = {{An experiment on Near surface S-wave velocity from upholes}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201117.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 17: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Guevara, S. E. and Margrave, G. F.},
title = {{Converted wave prestack depth migration from topography: a comparison}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201118.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 18: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Guirigay, T. A. and Bancroft, J. C.},
title = {{A comparison of standar migration with EOM for Hussar data}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201119.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 19: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Hall, K. W. and Bertram, K. L. and Lawton, D. C.},
title = {{New Zealand acquisition, spring 2011}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201106.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 6: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Hall, K. W. and Margrave, G. F.},
title = {{Timing issues on the Hussar low-frequency experiment}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201120.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 20: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Henley, D. C.},
title = {{Now you see it, now you don't (coherent noise, that is)}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201121.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 21: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Henley, D. C. and Wong, J.},
title = {{Getting something for nothing (or not)}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201122.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 22: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Henley, D. C. and Wong, J.},
title = {{Processing effects on AVO measurements}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201123.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 23: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Innanen, K. A.},
title = {{A particle view of dispersive wave propagation}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201127.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 27: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Innanen, K. A.},
title = {{A POCS algorithm for spectral extrapolation}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201128.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 28: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Innanen, K. A.},
title = {{Hidden nonlinearities in the Aki-Richards approximation}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201126.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 26: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Isaac, J. H. and Margrave, G. F.},
title = {{The effect of receiver statics on CCP stacks: An example from Spring Coulee, Alberta}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201130.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 30: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Isaac, J. H. and Martini, F.},
title = {{A converted-wave experiment in Uganda}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201129.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 29: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Izadi, H. and Innanen, K. A.},
title = {{Continuous wavelet transforms and Lipshitz exponents as a means for analysing seismic data}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201131.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 31: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Izadi, H. and Innanen, K. A.},
title = {{The relationship between Lipshitz exponents and Q: synthetic data tests}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201132.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 32: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Jabbari, S. and Innanen, K. A.},
title = {{Imaging of time-lapse structural changes with linearized invers scattering}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201133.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 33: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Jabbari, S. and Innanen, K. A.},
title = {{Nonlinear scattering terms in a seismic context}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201134.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 34: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Jiang, Z. and Bancroft, J. C.},
title = {{SH wave modelling by a staggered-grid method}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201135.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 35: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Kelly, B. M. and Lawton, D. C.},
title = {{Monitoring active steam injection through time-lapse seismic refraction surveys}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201136.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 36: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Kim, S. and Innanen, K. A.},
title = {{Linear and non-linear AVO for poroelastic targets}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201137.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 37: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Lamoureux, M. P. and Gibson, P. C.},
title = {{Minimum phase and attenuation models in continuous time}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201139.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 39: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Lamoureux, M. P. and Shukla, R.},
title = {{A microseismic simulation for algorithm testing}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201138.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 38: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Lespinasse Fung, D. J. and Clarkson, C. R.},
title = {{Impedance analysis for methane and CO2 discrimination in coalbeds}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201140.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 40: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Lloyd, H. J. E. and Margrave, G. F.},
title = {{Bandlimited impedance inversion: using well logs to fill low frequency information in a time-lapse carbon sequestration model}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201141.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 41: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Lloyd, H. J. E. and Margrave, G. F.},
title = {{Generating low-frequencies: a study on prediction filters and their use for impedance inversion}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201142.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 42: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Manning, P. M.},
title = {{Comparisons between 2D and 3D finite-difference models of near source surface waves}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201144.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 44: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Manning, P. M.},
title = {{Numerical Rayleigh wave propagation on a thin layer}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201143.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 43: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Margrave, G. F. and Mewhort, L. E. and Hall, M. and Bertram, M. B. and Lawton, D. C. and Innanen, K. A. and Hall, K. W. and Bertram, K. L. and Isaac, J. H.},
title = {{The Hussar low-frequency experiment}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201124.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 24: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Margrave, G. F. and Mewhort, L. E. and Hall, M. and Bertram, M. B. and Lawton, D. C. and Innanen, K. A. and Hall, K. W. and Bertram, K. L. and Isaac, J. H.},
title = {{The Hussar low-frequency experiment}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201125.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 25: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Margrave, G. F. and Yedlin, M. J.},
title = {{Full waveform inversion and the invers Hessian}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201145.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 45: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {McDonald, M. A. D. and Lamoureux, M. P.},
title = {{Pseudospectral-element modelling of elastic waves}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201146.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 46: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Moradi, S. and Krebes, E. S.},
title = {{Unphysical negative values of the anelastic SH plane wave energy-base transmission coefficient}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201147.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 47: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Naghizadeh, M. and Innanen, K. A.},
title = {{Differencing of time-lapse survey data using a projection onto convex sets algorithm}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201149.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 49: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Naghizadeh, M. and Innanen, K. A.},
title = {{Two-dimensional fast generalized Fourier interpolation of seismic records}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201148.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 48: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Nicol, E. A. and Lawton, D. C.},
title = {{Analysis of time-lapse, multicomponent seismic data from a potash mining area in Saskatchewan}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201150.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 50: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Petten, C. C. and Margrave, G. F.},
title = {{Investigating power variation in first breaks, reflections, and ground roll with different charge sizes}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201151.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 51: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Vera, V. C. and Lawton, D. C.},
title = {{Seismic modelling and monitoring of carbon stoage in a sandstone aquifer}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201152.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 52: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Vracar (née Milicevic), V. and Ferguson, R. J.},
title = {{Non-conventional seismic differencing in time-lapse II}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201153.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 53: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Wilson, M. R. and Khaniani, H.},
title = {{Better Gradient Vectors for More Accurate Rays}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201154.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 54: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Wong, J. and Mahmoudian, F.},
title = {{Directivity patterns of disc transducers operating in water}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201155.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 55: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Young, G. R. and Innanen, K. A.},
title = {{Multiparameter invers scattering: computational approaches}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201156.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 56: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},

author = {Yousefzadeh, A. and Bancroft, J. C.},
title = {{Matrix form for the Kirchhoff prestack modelling/migration}},
year = 2011,
howpublished = {\url{https://www.crewes.org//Documents/Posters/2011/CSP201157.pdf}},
note = {{[CREWES Meeting Poster, 23, no. 57: Accessed 15-Sep-2024]}},