CREWES Matlab® Toolbox and Textbook

NOTE: This public release is a subset of the one that is available to CREWES sponsors

CREWES Toolbox Version: 2122

CREWES Matlab Toolbox (ZIP)  156.61 MB
  MD5 checksum:c7f33a416a826c24f17a5faaf629 *

Sample data to accompany Methods_of_Seismic_Data_Processing (ZIP)  13.65 MB
  MD5 checksum:c402597c854a23cd8ee81c654b91 *

Guide to the CREWES Matlab toolbox (PDF)  6.98 MB
  MD5 checksum:e38648c7a6ae99164c13c2a9027d *NumMeth.pdf

Introductory seismic data processing course (PDF)  88.09 MB
  MD5 checksum:01e78195b1e8dd0c3c69ba2c78dc *Methods_of_Seismic_Data_Processing.pdf

Primary author: Gary F. Margrave
Primary maintainer:
Current development environment: Matlab 2024a
Snapshot ( updated: Monthly



This software is called the CREWES MATLAB Software Library (CMSL) and accompanies the textbook Numerical Methods of Exploration Seismology: With Algorithms in MATLAB (NMES) by Gary F. Margrave and Michael P. Lamoureux (Cambridge University Press, 2019). An older, less complete, free version is provided here. The textbook discusses a subset of the CMSL. Both library and text are intended for teaching and research in exploration seismology. The complete CMSL is a large collection of geophysical codes that has grown by accretion over time with limited planning or regulation. The subset of CMSL covered by NMES has been checked for consistency and accuracy; however, no warranty of correctness is given or implied. Use the software entirely at your own risk. As there is much more in the CMSL than is described in NMES, you are encouraged to explore it.

Note about SEG-Y I/O

The latest instructions for SEG-Y input/output are not easily found using the CREWES website search function. The most recent instructions published as a CREWES report may be found here, and will be updated as a file called README.pdf in the segy folder of the CREWES Matlab toolbox.

Installation instructions

Extract the contents of to:

  • Microsoft Windows: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\MATLAB\crewes
  • Linux: $HOME/Documents/MATLAB/crewes

Then start Matlab and look for 'Set Path' on the Home Ribbon.
In the window that appears, click on the button "Add with subfolders...".  Locate the folder called "crewes" -- Click on it once to highlight it, then click "Select Folder".  Save the new path by clicking "Save".